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If you have a color photograph of Florida or wildlife, we'd like to publish it in Classifieds. Just e-mail it to the Tampa Bay Times at: for consideration.

How to Send Photos:

Use "Photo Submittal" as the subject of your e-mail. Send your photo as a JPEG or TIFF attachment. We cannot accept embedded photos, hard copy photos, faxes or CD-ROMs.

The photo can be no smaller than 1024 x 768 pixels. The photo cannot have been previously published elsewhere. Photos cannot be selected for publication if they are of poor quality, are sexually graphic or suggestive, or contain people. If photos of buildings are submitted, they must be taken from public property and cannot include sculptural elements such as statues, stained glass windows, or mosaics. Photos shot in landscape format are preferred.

Please include the following information in your e-mail so we can identify you as the photographer if we publish your photo. Photos submitted without the following information will not be considered for use.

  1. Your first and last name.
  2. Your home address, city, state and zip code.
  3. Are you a subscriber?
  4. Your phone number.
  5. Location where the photo was taken.
  6. Short description of the subject of the photo (example: Weedon Island at sunset)
  7. Please indicate that you accept the following terms and conditions for submitting your photo:

Photo submissions are archived so it is not necessary to send the same photo multiple times.

Terms and Conditions

I am 18 years of age or older. I certify that I am the author or sole owner of the photograph I am submitting to the Tampa Bay Times and that it has not been previously published, sold or licensed to anyone else for use or publication either in print, on line or in any other electronic media. By sending this photo, I am giving the Times permission to reproduce, distribute, publish, display, edit, modify, create derivative works from or otherwise use the photo in any form or in or on any media existing now or hereafter developed - on the Web or otherwise - without payment or compensation at any time now or at any time in the future. This permission includes the right to sell reprints of my photo. I also understand that once submitted, neither the photo nor this permission may be withdrawn. I understand that the Times may choose not to use my photo at this time but may do so at its own discretion at a later date and may discontinue use of my photo at any time. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Times Publishing Company, its officers, directors, employees and affiliates from any and all claims or damages that may be asserted against it as a result of its use of my photo. I certify that the photo was taken without trespassing on private property and does not interfere with any copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or proprietary right of any other party.


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